Monday, December 29, 2008

Various Wings of Fairy Tattoos

tribal wings of fairy tattoos

colorful wings of fairy tattoo

fairy tattoo design

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Box jellyfish wallpaper - imagine Meduza otravitoare

Meduza Box Jellyfish (meduza otravitoare sau viespe de mare) este cea mai periculoasa vietate din mari si oceane.Meduzele au dimensiuni care depăşesc un metru şi sunt dotate cu un venin mortal care poate ucide un om matur în câteva secunde.In zona Filipinelor, a Japoniei, a insulelor Hawaii şi în apele Vietnamului peste 5500 de persoane mor anual datorita atingeri sau intepaturii.Wallpaper

Poze Imagini Papagali Salbatici

Cateva informatii despre papagali salbatici si doua wallpapere, poze pentru destop.Cei mai multi papagali salbatici se intalnesc in padurile tropicale sin America de Sud, Australia si Noua Guinee, doar cativa traiesc in Africa si foarte putini in Asia.Exista o specie cu numele de "Alexandru cel Mare", numele l-au primit dupa Alexandru cel Mare, regele Macedoniei, din motiv ca soldati din armata

Peisaje Superbe pentru Desktop

Patru Peisaje Superbe pentru Desktop.Priviti.. si relaxati-va..Peisaje cu munti 1600x1200Imagini cu Peisaje 1600x1200Peisaje Natura 1600x1200Peisaje de vara 1280x1024

Bangkok Wide Wallpaper

Bangkok este capitala Thailandei, cel mai mare oras al tarii, cu aproape 6 milioane de locuitori. Ca marime, este al 22-lea oras din lume.Thailanda Bangkok 1280x800 WideBangkok este locul in care cladirile foarte inalte se construiesc cu o rapiditate uimitoare. Dupa cum se poate vedea in imagine.

Best Tribal Celtic Tattoo Armband

Best tribal celtic tattoo armband

Top Men Tribal Tattoo

tribal tattoo top01
Tribal Tattoo
Cool lion tribal art tattoo for men

Friday, December 26, 2008

2 picturi Isaac Levitan pentru Desktop

Isaac Levitan (1860-1900) este un pictor cu un nume muzical. Foarte cunoscut in Rusia si foarte iubit. Cu toate ca este de origine evreiasca pictura lui nu poarta nici o amprenta religioasa.Isaac/Isaak Levitan a venerat frumusetea Naturii Artistul e considerat drept cel mai important pictor peisagist rus.Se spune ca peisajele lui sunt lirice...a reusit performanta de a sublinia in culoare


For this edition of the video roundup I call SIDE ORDERS, I've again fallen back on my love for the marriage of movies and music:The single best trailer this year was for Michael Haneke's stunning shot-by-shot remake of his 1990s classic Funny Games. This has the drive and flavor of a trailer for one of Kubrick's movies, right down to the choice of music, graphics, and shots. Alone, by itself,

Tower Bridge New Year - Imagini Poze Artificii

Tower Bridge (Podul Londrei sau Podul Turnului) este unul dintre cele mai atractive simboluri londoneze si reprezinta o bijuterie arhitecturala la care si-au adus aportul peste 50 de designeri si arhitecti.Tower Bridge este primul pod peste Tamisa, iar constructia lui - inceputa in 1894 - a durat opt ani.Este celebru pentru enormele sale brate basculante, care se ridica pentru a permite trecerea

Free Calendar 2009

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Ferrari F430 Wallpapers Imagini Poze

Ferrari F430 Rosu 1280 x 1024Fata Ferrari F430 Rosu 1280 x 1024Ferrari F430 Spider Wallpaper 1280 x 1024Un cabrio capabil sa ruleze cu peste 300 km/h.Cars Masini Auto Wallpapers Imagini Backrounds

Celebrity Back Tattoo - Wentworth Miller

Wentworth Miller Back Tattoo
Wentworth Miller - celebrity back tattoo

Film #99: A Charlie Brown Christmas

The 99th film I'm profiling isn't at all a theatrical product--it was made for CBS in 1965. It has been repeated every Xmas for over 40 years, and must surely rank as one of the most watched (and treasured) examples of animation art ever produced. Thus I think it deserves to be ranked as one of my favorite films of all time.

A Charlie Brown Christmas, based of course on Charles Schulz's

Poza Tren - Peisaj de Iarna Wallpaper

O poza superba... parca din poveste, sau dintr-un film din anii 40-50. Calatorie pe timp de iarna cu trenul...Imagine tren pe tim de iarna 1274 x 744

Firefox Wallpapers & 6 Scurtaturi Utile

Mozilla Firefox este cel mai folosit browser. Este usor de utilizat si foarte stabil in comparatie cu restu.Exista unele combinatii de taste pe care le folosesc pentru a economisi timp si energie. Acetse scurataturi il fac si mai atractiv. Pe multe dintre aceste shortcut-uri probabil ca nici nu le stiati..Unele functioneaza chiar si in Internet Explorer 7 sau Opera. Nu stiu daca functioneaza si

Tribal Dragon Tattoo Black Ink Art

Classic tribal dragon tattoo design [black ink art]

Fantasy Art Tattoo

Fantasy Art Tattoo 'Devil Eye'

Emoticons Wallpapers Download Imagini

EMOTICONS Wallpapers Adevaratele emoticoane (zambareti) au fost inventate intre 1981 si 1982 de catre Scott Fahlman si erau folosite pe “bulletin board”, echivalentul de azi a yahoo messenger-ului. Era un loc in care lumea putea discuta interactiv. Insa Scott a observat ca de fiecare data aparea o problema in comunicare: daca unul scria intr-un mod glumet, celalalt nu avea cum sa-si dea seama

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Sun Tribal Arm Tattoo Black Ink

Tribal sun arm tattoo
Sun Tribal Arm Tattoo Black Ink

Celebrity Ink Art: Angelina Jolie Cross Tattoo

Angelina Jolie cross tattoo
Celebrity Ink Art: Angelina Jolie black cross tattoo

Film #98: Little Women (1994)

It being Christmas Eve, 2008, I figured I'd offer up a recommendation for a holiday movie everyone should enjoy, but relatively few movie lovers ever site in this manner. Australian director Gillian Anderson delivered quite a lovely screen version of Louisa May Alcott's perennial classic Little Women in 1994, and though it's not a Christmas movie per se, it sure feels like one. In fact,

Wallpapers Filme Top Decembrie 2008

Filme - Wallpapers este o noua categorie de wallpapere pentru desktop. La fiecare film va fi si o mica descriere.Filmele sunt in Top Box Office, luna decembrie.Yes Man (Jim Carrey)Filmul " Yes Man " este o comedie frumoasa care are la baza romanul autobiografic omonim al scriitorului britanic Danny Wallace.Jim Carrey este Carl Allen, un barbat care s-a plictisit de viata, un barbat rigid care

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Cuttie Butterfly Tattoo Design

butterfly tattoo
Cuttie black ink butterfly tattoo design

Evergreen Great Tribal Tattoo

great tribal tattoo 2009
Evergreen great tribal tattoo

Film #97: Napoleon Dynamite

A reprint here of the interview Dark City Dame (of Noirish City fame) conducted with me in November regarding one of my favorite movies of the 2000s!DarkCityDame: Let me start off by asking you this question: why did you select the film Napoleon Dynamite to be #23 on your list of the top 30 films from this decade? Dean: It's really quite simple: no movie of the 2000s has made me laugh harder. I

Jennifer Aniston calendar 2009

Monday, December 22, 2008

New Year Fireworks Wallpapers - Poze Artificii

6 Wallpapere cu artificii spectaculoase de Anul Nou.Stiati ca : Explozibilul pe care-l cunoastem sub numele de praf de pusca a fost inventat de chinezi inca din anul 1045. Era folosit de ei la focurile de artificii.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Full Back Colorful Cool Dragon Tattoo

Dragon Tattoo
Cool Dragon Tattoo [colorful full back]

Pretty Star Tattoo for Sexy Body

star tattoo
Pretty Star Tattoo on sexy torso side

lower back star tattoo32
Lower back sweet nautical star tattoo

What About The Honorary Awards?

As a ridiculously devout follower of the Oscars, I pay attention to the details. That means that I wonder, every annum, who's gonna win the Honorary Oscars AS WELL as them Golden Boys we all expect to be handed out year after year.

To wit: In 2004, I was surprised, but then really not so much so, when I predicted the winner of that year's Honorary Oscar to be the reliable producer/director/

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Fundaluri Revelion 2009 | New Year Wallpapers |

Pentru ca ne apropiem de Revelion, cu pasi repezi, a treia serie cu Wallpapere are tema " Happy New Year 2009 ". In total sunt sase fundaluri mari pentru Desktop. Toate sunt gratuite :).Tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa dati click dreapta pe una dintre urmatorele imagini superbe si apasati Set As Background. Toate 3 imagini au rezolutia 1280 x 800

Friday, December 19, 2008

Tribal Superman Tattoo

superman tattoo
Tribal Superman Tattoo
superhero design body art

Dragon In Ying Yang Symbol Tattoo

dragon ying yang tattoo 143
Dragon In Ying Yang Symbol Tattoo

Exotic Arm Tattoo

arm tattoo 213
Exotic arm tattoo: flower and devil

Viata animalelor în timpul iernii| Wallpapers

Pentru ca este anotimpul iarna pun 4 wallpapere pentru desktop cu animale salbatice.Stiati ca :1.Ursul Polar, daca este nevoie, poate sa fuga cu o viteza maxima de aproximativ 40km pe ora. Oboseste mai repede pe uscat, si desi potate sa umble prin zapada cu labele lui mari, el se simte mai bine pe gheata. Pot sa urce stânci abrupte de gheata si a fost vazut alunecând

Excotic Maori Tribal Arm Tattoo

maori tribal tattoo
Excotic Maori Tribal Arm Tattoo

Peisaje de Iarna | High Quality Wallpapers | #1

1. 1600 x 12002. 1600 x 12003. 1600 x 12004. 1600 x 12005. 1600 x 1200

Sun and Dolphin Tattoo

dolphin sun tattoo22
Sun and Dolphin Tattoo

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tribal Arm Tattoo: Left of Right

left tribal tattoo placement L1
Left tribal arm tatooo

left tribal tattoo placement R1
Right tribal arm tattoo

Film #96: Oh How I Hate To Get Up In The Morning!

Max and Dave Fleischer were sibling animators who made film history with their long series of Betty Boop, Popeye, and Superman cartoons, and with their groundbreaking full-length 1939 movie Gulliver's Travels (the first non-Disney animated feature and the first film to use a process of animation called rotoscoping, based on tracings of live action images, later popularized further by 70s/80s-era

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My 20 Favorite Actresses

In taking Tony Dayoub of Cinema Viewfinder up on his invitation for me to join the 20 Favorite Actresses meme started by Nathaniel at Film Experience, I tried hard to balance my love of these ladies' acting ability equally with my adoration of their feminine wiles. I also attempted to make my list an appreciation of actresses from all different eras--from the 1920s to now. I think I've done

Merry Christmas Wallpaper

My 2009 Academy Award Predictions: round one

NOTE: I originally had THE DARK KNIGHT as a winner of 10 noms, including Best Picture, but I have recently vascillated back to my pre-awards season conviction that it's not yet time for a superhero movie to win a best pic nod (this got me into a lot of hot water with some of the more vociferous lovers of the Batman, who often confuse fan favoritism with award-worthiness). I was once convinced by

Butterfly Tattoo Idea

butterfly tattoo art
Butterfly Tattoo Idea

Tribal Wings Tattoo Design

tribal tattoo design TD1
Tribal wings tattoo design

best tribal wings tattoo
I love this tribal tattoo design