Thursday, April 21, 2011

Week 5 - Science and Reason

1. Define the 17th century 'Scientific Revolution', and say how it changed European thought and world-view. 

“The Scientific Revolution was, in reality, a series of changes in the structure of European thought itself: systematic doubt, empirical and sensory verification, the abstraction of human knowledge into separate sciences, and the view that the world functions like a machine” (Hooker, 1996).

From this definition I have gathered that the ‘Scientific Revolution’ changed European thought and world-view by such theory processes like Systematic doubt, meaning the revolution made it acceptable and normal to doubt something until its certainty had been proven. Another example is empirical thought, which meant that people’s knowledge in general relied more on observation or experience. This scientific reasoning resulted in the provision of answers for people rather then their reliance on religion and superstition. These new thought approaches made science a priority and new ideas were developed.

This progression of scientific thought was also reflected in the 17th century art. Hooker states that it is apparent from the period’s paintings, sculptures and architecture that “people of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries are looking at the world very differently”.

2. Give examples of how we can we still see evidence of the 'Scientific Revolution' in the world today.

We can still see evidence of the ‘Scientific Revolution’ in the world today because the revolution created scientific thought and reasoning. Scientific thought and reasoning “helped to expand knowledge and experimentation even more. Scientific institutions were built, new methods and theories were taught,” (Nisotro).

We would not be able to live the lives we do today without this freedom of thought that came from the ‘Scientific Revolution’ and also the inventions that were created from it. Examples of the revolution are all around us, such as the advancement of medicine, technology in general and the creation of Mathematics and Chemistry.

Research Pipilotti Rist's video installations to answer the following;

3. From your research, do you think that the contemporary art world values artwork
that uses new media/technology over traditional media?

The definition of the word ‘art’ has definitely broadened throughout history because of the influence of different eras in the renaissance period such as the individualism movement. A modern definition of the word ‘art’ is: The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power”. From this definition and my research I have gathered that people would generally envisage traditional art such as a painting over new media art and is used to define the word art more but I don’t think this makes it anymore valued. I think it’s more to do with personal opinion and the social status of the artist that makes the artwork more or less important or ‘valued’.

4. How has Pipilotti Rist used new media/technology to enhance the audience's experience of her work.

Rist is know as a ‘video artist’ and uses new media/technology by creating video installations “that push imagery to its extreme, and invite viewers into a dreamlike fantasy world of havoc, play, and rebellion,”(Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 2011). She uses captivating audio sounds and video imagery to enchant, and deeply involve her audience, so they can lose themselves and really experience her installations.  

5. Comment on how the installation, sound and scale of 'Ever is Over All' (1997) could impact on the audience's experience of the work.

 For the installation of ‘Ever is all over,’ Rist has used 2 cleverly overlapped projections (both projections fade into each other) to create one large movie that covers the corner of 2 walls. One of the overlapping projections is a beautiful young woman smiling and skipping in slow motion down a street gracefully smashing car windows with a large fake flower, the other is a projection of nature and flowers. She has also used audio techniques to enhance the audience’s experience. The audio used is a mixture of different types of sound which creates a type of song, with someone humming a tune, sounds of birds chirping and a piano playing overlaid with the sound of the lady in the video smashing car windows.
When I watched the video clip of Rist’s installation ‘Ever is Over All,’ I found that such elements as the sound and scale of her work described above helped to create a very immersive experience. There is so much occurring in her installations that I believe her work to be very captivating and would transfix the audience’s attention very easily.

6. Comment on the notion of 'reason' within the content of the video. Is the woman's behaviour reasonable or unreasonable?

In the content of the video installation ‘Ever Is Over All’, Rist shows a “princess-like young girl blithely smashing car windows,” (Phaidon).

In society it is not ‘reasonable’ behaviour to smash someone else’s property (like the woman in Rist’s video installation is doing) and it is also against the law. I think in Rist’s installation she is giving the audience the notion that it’s not unreasonable behaviour either. I believe this because the lady is happily smashing car windows while a policewoman walks by smiling at her. This notion makes her behaviour acceptable. I also believe the different visual and audio elements incorporated within the installation makes the woman’s actions tolerable as well.

7. Comment on your 'reading' (understanding) of the work by discussion the aesthetic (look), experience and the ideologies (ideas, theories) of the work.

From viewing some video clips of Rist’s installations, I felt that her work gave off feelings of relaxation and enchantment. My ‘reading’ of her work is that like Museum Publicity (2011) points out Rist uses captivating imagery and sound to give the audience an immersive experience and also “engages the viewer by offering a meditative and tranquil atmosphere”. Museum Publicity also goes on in saying her work is “mesmerizing in its fluidity” and has a spiritual element.

 As Phaidon explains Rist’s skilful and unprecedented fusions of multi-screen video works along with her music used “invent new possibilities for poetry, feminine identity and the traditional genre of portraiture”. I believe this quote also points out some of the ideologies behind her work.

Reference List:

Albright-Knox art gallery presents Pipilotti Rist Dwelling (2011, March 24).

Hooker, R. (1996). The scientific revolution.

Nosotro, R. Science and religion.

Pipilotti Rist.

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